Believe in something bigger than yourself

Charitable giving creates a powerful bridge between potential and impact.


At the Philadelphia Foundation, we combine a deep understanding of our region’s greatest needs and opportunities with an intimate knowledge of the people and organizations who are working most effectively to strengthen quality of life throughout our region. Our team of experts can help you target where your donations, no matter the size, will do the most good.

Our donors rely on the Philadelphia Foundation for

A variety of ways to provide ongoing support

When you donate to a fund, we help amplify your impact through balanced investment pools managed by financial experts. Funds grow through investment and through contributions from others who want to make a difference for our region.

Maximum tax benefits

The IRS recognizes the Philadelphia Foundation as a public charity, so you earn the maximum deduction at the time of your gift. If you have your own fund with the Philadelphia Foundation, you have the added benefit of being able to choose to distribute grants over time.

Sound management

We meet rigorous standards for integrity and accountability through strong governance and independent audits.

Broad local expertise

We monitor all areas of community need – including the arts, economic development, education, environment, health care, human services and neighborhood organizations.

Enduring impact

Our permanent endowments grow and generate lasting grants in perpetuity, standing the test of time.

Explore Ways You Can Make an Enduring Impact

Our goal is to harness the philanthropic spirit of our donors to create maximum impact in the areas that matter most to them. In fact, more than 75% of the dollars we give away each year are directed by the generous individuals, families and businesses who establish funds with us.

Download our Helpful Guide

Ways to Give

Start Your Own Fund

Make your philanthropy convenient, effective, tax-efficient and enduring.

Leave a Legacy

Invest in the region’s long-term growth through your estate planning.

Your Charitable Giving Strategy

Contact us today to learn more about how we can work with you to find a charitable giving strategy that meets your specific needs.