Arts & Culture

Captivating and inspiring our communities with exposure to cultural influence and artistic expression

Leaving a Symphony of Support

A charitable fund becomes an instrument for enduring support for the arts.

The Eugene and Margaret Ormandy Fund was created through a bequest by Margaret “Gretel” Ormandy, wife of long-time Conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy. Since its establishment in 1999, it has supported more than 60 arts and cultural organizations from the Main Line Art Center to the Philadelphia Chamber Music Society. The grants have paid for computer-generated artwork, music enrichment programs, the documentation of folk arts and general operating support for cultural festivals.

Nurturing Artistic Talent

A gift from an inspired donor sparks a cycle of support for local performing arts.

William A. “Wally” Loeb studied piano as a child, and never forgot the influence of his early musical experiences. In 1993, he established the Loeb Performing Arts Scholarship Fund to support promising students in instrumental and vocal music, dance and theater. The fund ensures that budding young artists receive the necessary education, mentoring and connections to launch their professional careers. The fund supports scholarships as well as in-school, afterschool and summer programs at more than 70 instrumental and vocal music, dance and theater organizations in Philadelphia.

Visualizing the Future of Fine Arts

An abstract artist leaves a specific giving legacy.

Edna Andrade was an influential artist during the Op Art movement of the 1960s. Through her estate, a donor advised fund was established to support grants for museums that benefit visual fine arts in Greater Philadelphia. Today, the fund enables museums to purchase or commission art from local artists and host exhibits that feature prominent or promising local artists.