Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office Forfeiture Fund

Pursuant to its obligations under the Pennsylvania Controlled Substances Forfeiture Act, 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 5802, and the final order entered on February 17, 2021 in Sourovelis v. City of Philadelphia, Civ. Action No. 2:14-cv-04687-ER, the Office of the District Attorney of Philadelphia must utilize funds forfeited to it to support community-based anti-crime and anti-narcotics organizations. 

The majority of funds should be committed to organizations collectively focused on engaging at-risk youth, including after-school programs, programs aimed at preventing violence or addiction, programs assisting with recovery and rehabilitation from addiction, and/or programs focused on reintegration and finding gainful employment after imprisonment emphasizing anti-crime/anti-drug/anti-violence elements in their work.

Organizations may use funds to support anti-crime/anti-drug/anti-violence initiatives consistent with guidance from the Office of the Attorney General of Pennsylvania and the United States Department of Justice.  A non-exhaustive list of permissible uses based on these sources will be provided to grantee organizations. 

The Fund will prioritize requests from grassroots community groups with smaller budgets, defined as $5 million or less.  Grants are limited to organizations working with people in the city and county of Philadelphia and each grant cycle will have a different focus.  Grants will range from $10,000 to $50,000, with an average grant size of $20,000.

Grant Cycle Timing & Focus Areas:

2/14/24-3/6/24:  Addiction Recovery and Prevention – CLOSED; GRANTS ANNOUNCED April 1.

4/1/24-4/19/24:  Cycling, Swimming, Summer Camps – CLOSED; GRANTS ANNOUNCED May 20.

5/20/24-6/7/24:  Gun Violence Intervention – CLOSED; GRANTS ANNOUNCED June 26.

8/26/24-9/20/24:  Trauma, Healing and Support for Youth Impacted by Violence – OPENS August 26.

11/25/24-12/27/24:  Support for Elder Victims and Anti-Violence Programs that Impact Seniors

2/3/25-3/14/25:  Re-entry and Workforce

2024 Application Cycle #4

The fourth application cycle of 2024 is only open to programs providing trauma, healing and support services to youth impacted by violence.

The Applications period will open August 26th 

Application Process

Organizations that meet basic eligibility requirements are asked to complete an application and upload supplemental documents. Applications cannot be considered until the following supplemental documents have been submitted:

Philadelphia District Attorney's Office Forfeiture Fund


Carefully review the criteria listed above and those listed in the application.


The application deadline is 06/07/2024

Application can be downloaded here.


Grant recipients will be provided with a link to a reporting form.