Rich Boclair, Vanguard

Rich Boclair
Project Manager

Years at Vanguard: 30

Activating my passion into meaningful impact

I am passionate about programs that contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty – which has been only magnified through the pandemic. Of specific interest are programs that focus on youth education, workforce development, and housing stability.

In addition to the opportunities I have through Vanguard’s corporate volunteer programs, I also engage directly with local organizations that align with my passions, skills, and experiences.

Most recently I had the good fortune to serve as a Board Member for The Charles A. Melton Arts & Education Center – a community center located in West Chester that delivers a wide-range of programming that contributes the resilience and vibrancy of the community.

Work/volunteer synergies

Vanguard offers a number of different opportunities that enable crew to engage in efforts that align their skills and interests to programs that strengthen the communities where we work and live.

Examples include opportunities to participate in various episodic volunteer events or skills-based volunteering projects and developing local charitable giving strategies through our Hometown Grants program. There is incredible diversity in the opportunities that enable our crew to get engaged and have an impact.

What I’ve learned from volunteering with Vanguard

There is so much need in the community, and it can often be difficult to know where to invest your time, talents, or treasure. Vanguard’s corporate volunteer programs provide incredible opportunities to learn about the greatest needs in our communities, and to focus our collective efforts to address those needs. It is always amazing to see what even a small group of passionate, focused crew can do to make a difference.

What excites me within corporate volunteerism

The opportunity to partner alongside like-minded colleagues to help influence change and have impact – no matter how big or small.